​​Birding in Bandenburg

​Brandenburg is sparsely populated and extremely rich in protected areas, with a landscape that lets you recognize its glacial formation: vast plains covered by lakes and forests. The Schorfheide Chorin, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve since 2011, is one of the wildest and most natural areas in Brandenburg.

book a tour​

​I am Serena, Professional Birding Guide

My passion fueled my curiosity and together with determination and respect for nature, I managed to become one of the first women to practice birdwatching professionally. I strongly believe in enhancing natural environments and I know how nature is everywhere around us, we just need to train our senses to be able to recognize it better. Would you like to go on a nature discovery trip with me?​

read  my story​

Why choosing Birdstories


​Birdstories will be your safe space: diversity and inclusion are celebrated and no form of discrimination will ever be accepted or tolerated

No agism no abilism

​Each itinerary can be customised to be accessible for everybody: this allows anyone to participate and enjoy the joy of a birding and a nature experience. 

love for the enviroment

I personally know the itineraries, I propose and I create them to pass on all my love for the region, promoting places and people who care about the environment.

let's explore together​

Book your next Tour in Brandenburg!

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You can find us:​

San Miniato, PI​


​+39 338 8007545

